Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tassel Jewelry

All summer on Instagram I have been seeing amazing tassel pieces of jewelry that I absolutely LOVE! At the end of July I saw post by Southern Curls & Pearls on how to make them yourself!

So on Labor Day Weekend I decided to make a couple with my little sis!

Here is how they turned out:

You can pick a variety of bead & thread colors to make them unique to your style! I think they are the perfect transition from summer to fall! I got all of my supplies from Michael's, and overall it was pretty cheap. Make sure to use any coupons you have there as well (I know I always get them over email). 

I hope you enjoyed this fun DIY! 


  1. I love the colors you choose! I def need to try this out!

    XO Strawberry Chic

    1. Thanks!! They were really fun to make, and so many different options of colors!
