Monday, August 8, 2016

Approval Junkie

I feel like every summer I get back into the groove of reading lots of books consistently. Usually this is due to the fact that I go on vacations and tend to read a lot at the pool or beach.

One of the latest books I've read is called Approval Junkie by Faith Salie. This book is a biography about Faith's life and her "adventures in caring too much." I honestly picked this book off of Blogging for Books because of the title. I thought Approval Junkie sounds interesting and similar to many instances in my life!

Overall I thought the book was funny! The chapter titles were even more hysterical. I think if I had known more about Faith Salie beforehand it would have kept my interest a little longer. She talked a lot about how she started off in her career and about all of the instances where she was seeking approval.

If you know a lot about Faith Salie I would definitely recommend this book for you!

Disc. I received this book from the Blogging for books program in exchange for this review.

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